Voice workshops from international teachings in the Netherlands
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The Art of Voice Centre focusses on bringing the best international voice teachers ot the Netherlands to give workshops. We invite those teachers that have a unique practice in the broadest field of voice, be it singing, speaking, acting, storytelling. The workshops are open to all voice users and all levels. However, we design each workshop in cooperation with the teacher so the best space to learn their teachings is created. This way all workshops have a unique character and set up. Browse through the workshops and see what fits you best. Since it is an international voice centre we communicate in English, but can respond in Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Unboundaried Voice – from Laughter to Lament Grounded in solid vocal technique, infused with traditional singing styles and supported by the “extended” vocal practice of the Roy Hart Theatre, this workshop explores the deep humanity and rich expressiveness of ecstatic voice and ritual lamentation practices. Unboundaried Voice invites us into the language and expression of our “deep song”; it encompasses and celebrates the vast array of emotional and vocal colors expressed in lamentation and keening practices across the globe – from ancient Greece to the present day. This workshop invites you to discover your personal voice of exultation, praise, and joy; of protest, resistance, and challenge; of yearning, sorrow, and grief; of devotion, hope and healing applied to story, sound or song. Raise your voice and deepen your connection to your Self, your passions, and your ability to express them artfully. In this workshop, you will: ~ explore paths to a dynamic source of sound connected to body and breath, supported by emotional energy and imagination ~ examine socially silenced sounds in the context of improvisations ~ explore your voice both as a literal and metaphorical instrument of self-expression and empowerment ~ explore techniques of vocal production employed in non-western cultures ~ sing together in an atmosphere of play Whether you use your voice as an actor, singer, public speaker, in therapeutic work, or for the pure joy of vocal expression, you will experience new pathways to investigate and express your fullest self. Whether you use your voice as an actor, singer, public speaker, in therapeutic work, or for the pure joy of vocal expression, you will experience new pathways to investigate and express your fullest self. Please include a brief letter of motivation with your enrollment. PRACTICAL:DATE: Thu 29 August - Sun 1 September 2024TIMES: 10h-13h and 15h-17h LUNCH: IncludedLOCATION: Maqam, AmsterdamPRICE: 435,- euro (0& VAT, including lunch)REGISTRATION: Please send an email to info@royhartcentre.nl with a short letter of motivation (why do you want to join? what do you hope to learn?). After that you will receive further instructions on payment and all other practical matters.QUESTIONS: info@royhartcentre.nl
Unboundaried Voice – from Laughter to Lament Grounded in solid vocal technique, infused with traditional singing styles and supported by the “extended” vocal practice of the Roy Hart Theatre, this workshop explores the deep humanity and rich expressiveness of ecstatic voice and ritual lamentation practices. Unboundaried Voice invites us into the language and expression of our “deep song”; it encompasses and celebrates the vast array of emotional and vocal colors expressed in lamentation and keening practices across the globe – from ancient Greece to the present day. This workshop invites you to discover your personal voice of exultation, praise, and joy; of protest, resistance, and challenge; of yearning, sorrow, and grief; of devotion, hope and healing applied to story, sound or song. Raise your voice and deepen your connection to your Self, your passions, and your ability to express them artfully. In this workshop, you will: ~ explore paths to a dynamic source of sound connected to body and breath, supported by emotional energy and imagination ~ examine socially silenced sounds in the context of improvisations ~ explore your voice both as a literal and metaphorical instrument of self-expression and empowerment ~ explore techniques of vocal production employed in non-western cultures ~ sing together in an atmosphere of play Whether you use your voice as an actor, singer, public speaker, in therapeutic work, or for the pure joy of vocal expression, you will experience new pathways to investigate and express your fullest self. PRACTICAL:DATE: Sat 9- Tue 12 September 2023TIMES: 10h-13h and 15h-17h LUNCH: IncludedLOCATION: Maqam, AmsterdamPRICE: 425,- euro (0& VAT, including lunch)REGISTRATION: Use the form belowQUESTIONS: workshop@metstem.nl
“Never again” - Exploring vocal improvisation This workshop will be in English, unless only Dutch participants apply The idea of improvisation is that what you make is probably to be heard “never again”. Embracing this idea is a good starting point for any improvisation. And there are so many ways you can improvise and work freely with the voice: jazz scatting, jibberish, circle songs, theatersport, voice painting, voice liberation (stembevrijding), vocal instant composition, voice meditation, etc, etc.Perhaps you know some of these, perhaps you know none, but you are interested in learning how to improvise with your voice. In this masterclass we will explore these many different ways of improvising or using your voice freely. The set up is that of a true masterclass: the wishes and knowledge of the group are defining what we’ll work with. The goal is to find the way of improvisation that fits you best at the moment, and learn how to approach improvisation differently. PRACTICAL:DATE: Sat 26- Sun 27 August2023TIMES: 10h-13h and 15h-17h LUNCH: IncludedPARTICIPANTS: max 6 LOCATION: AmsterdamPRICE: 225,- euro (0& VAT, including lunch)REGISTRATION: Use the form belowQUESTIONS: workshop@metstem.nl
“Creating a meaningful moment” Discover the principles of presenting How can you be comfortable and genuine when presenting?And how do you bring your message across in such a way that is making a change with your audience? These age old questions will be addressed and answered in this masterclass. You’ll learn the principles that underlie presenting, the natural laws of the stage, if you will.With these principles in hand you can develop your own style of presenting with comfort and authenticity. Therefore all levels of experience are welcome, from those who turn sweaty with black outs and those that mount the stage regularly. We move from learning how to be comfortable on stage to being yourself all the way to being your most diverse self and captivating your audience. About Yinske Next to being a singer Yinske is a seasoned improviser. She started at the age of 19 with jazz scatting and worked through many, many forms of improvisation through workshops and performance groups. She’s a member of the Genetic Choir for nearly 15 years, organizes Roy Hart workshops in the Netherlands and teaches free voice at the Mezrab Storytelling School, theaterschool De Trap and occasionally at other performance institutes. When she’s not performing, presenting or teaching voice she is coaching and training in the fields of self development, Voice Dialogue, diversity & inclusion and (self) presentation. PRACTICAL:DATE: Sat 8 - Sun 9 July 2023TIMES: 10h-13h and 15h-17h LUNCH: IncludedPARTICIPANTS: max 6 LOCATION: AmsterdamPRICE: 225,- euro (0& VAT, including lunch)REGISTRATION: Use the form belowQUESTIONS: workshop@metstem.nl
Hear Edda speak on what we will we learn, what Roy Hart work is and who can join.
Yinske Silva’s work is all about voice, in many ways. On stage she’s a singer, improvisor, presenter and moderator. Off stage she works as a (provocative) coach, voice coach and socio-cultural innovator: www.yinskesilva.nl. As a vocal coach Yinske has over 15 years of experience and trained in many different vocal techniques and approaches to voice. She combines the physical with the psychological when teaching voice. Her style is warm, sharp, humorous and she knows how to bring everyone a step further in their voice work. She founded The Art of Voice Centre NL.
We are happy to announce that our next workshop will be in February 2023 with the formidable Edda Heeg: MY VOICE - Edda Heeg The Roy Hart tradition is based on the premise that every voice has great potential. In this workshop we will dive intensively into the exploration of the voice and its possibilities of expression. Through contact with the voice, confidence in one's own personality is strengthened. There is no longer any right or wrong, but only "being in tune with oneself". This is the way to your own artistic expression. Please bring a song or text that you have learned by heart. Further contents of this workshop: • Body and breathing exercises • voice training • extended voice • song interpretation • improvisation • Singing together • Individual work For further personal information on Edda Heeg, read more here. PRACTICAL:DATE: Thu 2- Sun 5 February 2023TIMES: 10h-13h and 15h-17h LUNCH: IncludedLOCATION: AmsterdamPRICE: 425,- euro (0& VAT, including lunch)REGISTRATION: Use the form belowQUESTIONS: workshop@metstem.nl
Workshop #2 – Kevin Crawford – vr 29 nov- zo 1dec VOICE: from sound to song and text. This workshop aims to introduce students to a vibrant approach to the voice, that opens up vocal potential by focusing on the subtle interplay of body, sound and imagination. Through a playful approach students explore lesser known parts of their voices and learn how this might be useful in creating a richer vocal spectrum that they can apply in diverse fields, including singing, public speaking and the creation of character onstage. No prior musical knowledge is required. It includes. > In-depth warm up that roots vocal expression in tangible physical sensation and experience > Stretching vocal stamina and limits whilst respecting the needs of each student > Introducing extended vocal techniques, including extreme vocal expression, and establishing good practice > Introducing an approach to text that stimulates and refreshes students’ perception of a text and its embodiment > Developing partner sensitivity and interdisciplinary integration > Simple A Capella singing. Each participant is asked to bring a short text, known by heart, to the workshop. This can be either an extract from a play or poem (in Dutch, English, French, German or Italian). Please bring a copy of your chosen text. Practical info about the workshop. *Dates: Fri 29 Nov, Sat 30 Nov, Sun 1 Dec * Time: 10.00-17.00 with a 1-hour lunch break. 9.30 doors open, with coffee&tea. * Number of participants: min 8 and max. 14 * Location: Blauwe Zaal, Tugela85, Tugelaweg 85, Amsterdam * Charge: 395,- p.p. Including lunch * Register: royhart@metstem.nl * Questions?: royhart@metstem.nl (Yinske Silva). KEVIN WILL ALSO GIVE MASTERCLASSES ON MON 1 & TUE 2 DEC. In the masterclasses you will work individually with Kevin for an hour. If you have requests for 2-3p please contact us. *Dates: Mon 2 Dec, Tue 3 Dec *Time: You will be planned on one of the 2 dates for a one hour masterclass. Please let us know if you really can’t make a certain time (e.g. during day or evening) *Location: Roelantstraat 10, Amsterdam. *Charge: 60,- p.p. *Register: workshop@metstem.nl *Questions?: workshop@metstem.nl (Yinske Silva). ABOUT KEVIN CRAWFORD. Kevin Crawford is a founding member of the Roy Hart Theatre company. He toured extensively with the company for over twenty years, before moving to Ireland, where he was a member of faculty at the School of Drama, Trinity College. In 2001, he was awarded an MA in Voice Studies from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. In 2002, Kevin was appointed Lecturer at the Université d’Artois before joining Accademia dell’Arte in Arezzo, Italy, where he directs the MFA in Physical Theatre. Directorial credits include ‘Wolf’s Bride’, ‘The Bacchae’ and ‘Bartholomew Fair’. He wrote and recently performed ‘Montee’ in collaboration with cellist Caroline Boersma: performances in US, Italy and France. Kevin Crawford has trained with Roy Hart, Marita Gunther, Derek Rossignol, Robert Harvey, Lisa Mayer, Dorothy Hart and Viviane Young. He speaks English, French and Italian.
The Art of Voice Centre NL grew out of the Roy Hart Centre NL. Several years ago Yinske, who was already a keen Roy Hart workshop participant, asked Zwaan, who she knew through the Genetic Choir, to start the Roy Hart Centre NL. Now that Zwaantje has withdrawn we can no longer use the name "Roy Hart Centre NL" (this can only be used by the teacher with the official teacher-status of the Roy Hart Theatre in France). Therefore we choose to call ourselves the "Art of Voice Centre NL" and we continue inviting all kinds of voice teachers from all over the world, including Roy Hart teachers, to give 3-5 day workshops. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO: INFO@THEARTOFVOICE.NL
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